2009年11月26日 星期四

the new magic mouse in hand

amazing coolness。
bought one from electronic shop which called broadway, however it should give up the ipod serivces。
demand one only><

2009年11月10日 星期二

sesame street(芝麻街) 生日快樂

elmo, cookie monster. happy birthdays.

今日舊地重遊, 立地之前寫過既文章, 真係百感交隻。
回想今天, 唉.... 已不想多說了
正如一句老套而歷久不衰的諺語「過左去既就由得佢過去啦, 記憶永遠係最好既容器, 亦係雖一我可以做的..」
如今, 我只能眼淨淨, 眼白白, 眼望望.... 什麼都不要想了!!

最近呢, 真係變化好大, 環境啊, 心理呀, 各樣都有一種無形既壓力壓著我, 使我動彈不過矣。
真的不明繚究竟我所做的是否真的有"回報", 我又係咪可以在呢個壓力學習呢?
Anyway, 都past it out了. No regret, No again.
Just beat it! -MJ

Magic Mouse, I want you! ~$~$

2009年8月2日 星期日

Success or fails?? Is SUCCESS!!

>雖然有d bad野, 但反映我對你都係一樣....he




2009年6月7日 星期日

A HUGE sorry be serious.

I want to say a sorry thought my blog with you.
I can't forgive myself anymore.
I really regret on my actions, those were come from my "dirty" thinking....
for一而再,再而三咁lose...... it was give me to know i was stupid.
"got a tree, but lose a forest."
IS my 自食其果, i try out to recovery, but you know it's hard.
I give up and 安慰myself..... it might be silly but i can peace a little bit.

You sure don't know me is a 執著 ge person.
The trouble problem were did by my hand!!--I replace(=delete) the image.
stupid man~~~(ME)
You can anger, hit me, but don't hate me. okay?!

In addition, I hate the sh!t hair which is cut by my teacher. Oh my goodness.
ON yesterday, how can i happy to take photos... 

2009年5月19日 星期二

I got a mini~

I recently got my mini in Sep,08
It's excellent.
I hope my result which is important of my life will better,
can further my study...
I really hopefulness.

Just past by past.